So far I've
put up a bunch of article about comics, and I'm having great fun writing them,
but I know what pays the bills here in internetland. lists,
and pictures of cats. So, to prove that I am not above a little pandering to
the audience, here is the list of the 10 best cats in comics!
A little
disclaimer: this list focuses purely on proper, catlike cats. A bunch of them
are super-powered, some can talk, but all of them look like cats, behave like
cats, and most importantly, have the attitude of cats. While Blacksad, Tom Poes
and Krazy Kat might be cool characters, they are basically just fuzzy humans,
and won't be found on this list. So...
MENTION: KROSP, from Girl Genius
Krosp is
the Emperor of all Cats, though relegated to playing sidekick to Agatha
Heterodyne, mad scientist in an steampunk version of Europe and eponymous Girl Genius. Agatha
begins her story in an academy for "Sparks " (People who sometimes go a
bit manic and create impossible machines in that state), and there she finds an
talking cat wandering around, who warns her that she might be in grave
I've kept
Krosp of the official since he's a bit to anthropomorphic. Though he can be
very much like a regular cat...
he's acting just a bit to human for the list. But I wanted to mention him
anyway, since the reason he failed in his job is just to funny. See, Krosp was
created by someone from the academy to be the emperor of all cats, on the logic
that cats get everywhere and thus could be great spies and saboteurs. They just
needed an emperor. There is just one problem...
Jup. That
sounds like cats alright. So let's start the list proper, and see which of
Krosps subjects I've honored with a mention.
SKATEBOARD, from What's Normal Anyway?
What's Normal Anyway is a webcomic about Mel, who is transitioning from female to
male. It's a slice of life comic written by a trans man, though not an
autobiography. Like most slice of life stuff I find the quality varies from
strip to strip. Some of the time it's very funny or touching, at other times it
falls a bit flat, with the strip just showing a thing that happens in real
life, or a "You had to be there moment". But one thing I can't fault
the comic for: the name of the resident cat.
Oh, and its
mission to create more trans visibility, and to showcase the everyday life of
the trans experience in the hope that it might help people on their own path.
The comic is absolutely amazing in that respect as well. But this is a list
about cats, so I'm going to focus on Doctor Skateboard, the brilliantly named
cat that never seems to do much, and yet seems to radiate supportive energy.
The doctor
is low on the list due to a low number of appearances, but the name alone is
worth a mention I think. Plus it gives me an excuse to plug a very worthwhile
comic that deserves more attention.
from Power Girl
For our
first "mainstream comic" cat we'll take a look at DC, where we get a
little kitty that proves not all cats are cute and cuddly, but loved
nonetheless. Stinky's owner is Power Girl, who is... oh good god, how do I
explain Power Girl? She started out as a grownup version of Supergirl from
another universe. (Of to a good start) And then that universe merged with the
regular DC universe. (Oh god) And then she was revealed to be a reincarnation
of a wizard from Atlantis or something. (DC why u so) But then they went back
to her being a future version of Supergirl I think, and god knows what her
backstory is now. Oh, and her creator Wally Wood kept giving her bigger and
bigger breasts to prove that his editors weren't paying attention to him. Superheroes
with confusing (or just bad) origins often end up as very bland characters,
which coupled with the breast thing could've resulted in Power Girl ending up
as a boring fanservice character. But she was spared from that fate because
writers gave her a very distinct personality: tough, straightforward, sometimes
a bit cranky but still with a sense of humor. Which puts her in a strange
position: on the one hand her comics still have a lot of fanservice and boob
jokes, but on the other she is generally better written and has a more
interesting personality than most female superheroes.
But that's
a debate for some other time. We're here for the cat!
Stinky, who
took years to get a proper name of than just "the cat", was first
found in a dumpster by the Justice Leauge, and was only later adopted by Power
Girl. It's mangy, ugly, stinky (obviously), has a terrible temper and was hated
by virtually everyone who came in contact with it.
After Power
Girl left the Justice League she stumbled from book to book, and the cat got
lost in the shuffle. Apparently it did come with her when she joined the
Justice Society, but never had much appearances. Until the Power Girl series
from Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, it featured rather prominently in that
one. Only... it had suddenly gotten a lot cuter.
I guess
it's the Amanda Conner artwork. She's just incapable of drawing something that
looks bad. It's a bit of a departure from the original Stinky (who now finally
got his name), but we got that lovely scene of Wonder Woman doing relationship
therapy for Power Girl and her cat to make up for it.
from What's Michael?
I wanted a
diverse list, with comic cats from all over the globe, but I must admit my
knowledge of manga in limited. Other than Michael I only know one other manga
cat. That grey one, the kitten. Forget the name. But that one is a bit to
saccharine for my tastes. Michael is pretty fun however, in a rather demented
way. There are actually two versions of Michael. The first is just a regular
cat, doing regular cat things. Eating, sleeping, playing with toys. These
strips are basically slice of life stuff for cat owners. "I can't get up
there's a cat on my lap", "Why are all my good shirts covered in cat
hair?", that sort of thing. It's quite cute, helped tremendously by the
way Michael himself is drawn.
But then
you turn the page, and another kind of Michael strip starts, in which...
Insanity. But despite all the dancing and judo, the behaviour is still very
much like real cats. I like What's Michael in small doses, otherwise the slice
of life stuff gets dull and the silly stuff just gets to much. That keeps it
from ending up higher on the list, but it's still very much worth a look.
7: THE
RABBI'S CAT from Le Chat du Rabbin
(No points if you can guess what that means in
In French
Algeria, during the interbellum, a rabbi has a cat and a parrot. The cat finds
the parrot incredibly annoying, and eats it. Suddenly it can talk, but all it
does is tell lies. The rabbi is horrified, and tells the cat that it can't hang
out with his daughter anymore until he's studied enough of the Torah to make
him a good, Jewish cat.
So. How's
that for a high concept?
The rabbi's
cat is the ultimate smartass cat. Not grumpy, like a lot of cats are portrayed,
but convinced of his own superiority. He's always trying to win every single
argument, always making comments on how stupid humans are.
But despite
the entire comic being named after him, the cat stops being the focus with the
second issue. The rabbi, his daughter and their friends and family become the
main focus, with the cat commenting on events. Events such as discussing Jewish
theology, going on holiday to Paris , telling each other tales and just
generally living their lives. It's very charming, although in the end there is
little pay off to the various character arcs. As such he main draw of the comic
is the setting. A comic about the Jewish community in Algiers in the 1930's doesn't come around
every day. Nor a comic in which characters debate various Talmudic interpretations,
the Kabbalah, and inter-faith contacts. Which might sound a bit boring, but
it's interspaced with other stuff, so don't fear huge walls of text. And the
discussions are always in-character. (It helps having several rabbis in the
cast.) Oh, and we can always rely on the cat for some remarks to make light of
the situation. Or sometimes to join in with the discussion.
DEX-STARR, from Green Lantern
I've never
been a fan of the Green Lantern. A space cop charged with protecting an entire
galaxy, and he spends most of his time hanging out with his superhero friends
on one planet? There's a flaw in that plan. And when your superpower is a ring
that can do anything you've got me wondering how on earth any battle can be a
challenge. Geoff Johns' recent additions have also left me cold. So now in
addition to a bunch of green rings that give superpowers to people with a lot
of willpower there are also other colored rings tied to other emotions? Pink
Lanterns who draw their power from love and wearing barely any clothes? Yellow
Lanterns who draw their power from fear? (Though not their own fear. As Paul
and Al from the wonderful House to Astonish have pointed out, the Yellow
Lanterns actually get their power from the emotion of Being Scary). And maybe
the stupidest of them all are the Red Lanterns. Powered by rage, these guys
don't just make stuff with theirs rings, they also vomit up their own blood,
which apparently has napalm-like qualities. Yeaaaaaaah...
But is you
make it far enough into the realm of stupid, you find a region where things
turn back to awesome. Napalm-blood vomiting, rage-powered aliens? Meh. But a
napalm-blood vomiting, rage-powered blue cat that wears his red ring around his
tail? Now you've got my attention. And Dex-Starr is not a cat-like alien
either, he was a regular (though for some reason blue furred) cat on earth, who
experienced great rage when someone threw him of a bridge, and was thus gifted
great power. And napalm-blood-vomit. It's so insanely stupid that it becomes
funny again. Also, when you introduce a superpowered cat among your human
superheroes, you're going to get scenes like this
That was my
original write-up of Dex-Starr, who was a bit lower on the list at that time.
But then I decided to do some research. (As you probably guessed from my
enthusiastic write up above, I don't
usually read much Green Lantern related stuff.) And then I stumbled on
Dex-Starr's origin story.
Oh dear.
Poor blood vomiting raging space kitty.
5: MR.
SCRUFFY from the Order of the Stick
![]() |
Mini made at Morlandstudios |
The Orderof the Stick is a stick-figure webcomic, but don't let the sticks fool you.
It's one of the most impressive and successful webcomics out there. Don't
believe me? At one point the creator, Rich Burlew put up a kickstarter to fund
the reprinting of the first collection. It made its original goal twenty times
over, for a grand total of over 1 million dollars!
Order of
the Stick started out as a joke comic about Dungeons and Dragons, but from
there it evolved into a long running plot. It has massive battles, fantastic
character work, and (and this is where a lot of webcomics trying for seriousness
fail) hasn't lost its amazing sense of humor. You'll get the most out of it if
you're a roleplayer yourself, but I reckon most of it's still a great read if
you're not.
So where
does the cat come in? One of the main characters is Belkar. He is the
stereotype of the token evil party member, always looking for something to
kill, steal or destroy. The rest of the team just keeps him around because he's
useful, and because they're afraid of what he'll do if they're not around to
keep him in line. The team does good stuff, Belkar kills and steal where he
can. That's the dynamic, we all laugh. But over time Belkar's character had
gotten a bit stale. And that's when they met Lord Shojo. This elderly ruler of Azure City pretended to be senile to avoid assassination
and easily swayed. On of the people who could easily sway him was his cat, Mr.
events that are way to cool to spoil, Belkar ended up with Mr. Scruffy. Which
worked out pretty well for the both of them. Scruffy picked up some fighting
... and
Belkar? Well, first Belkar got some advice in exchange for caring for the
![]() |
God the comic is wordy when you see it at this size. Don't worry, it's not always like that! |
character growth. Surely that's not as good as the real thing? But Lord Shojo
is a crafty character, even his ghost/illusion thingy. Because now Belkar is
pretending to be a better team player, plus he's got a cat to care for. At one
point the Order is trapped by an evil overlord and forced to fight in his
arena. And while trapped there two minor characters, friends of each other, are
forced to fight. The Belkar of old would've sat back and watched, but now he
releases a bloody Allosaurus to interrupt the battle, so the two guys can get
away. Obviously Belkar claims that he just wanted to see an Allosaurus stomp
over stuff (a valid argument I think), but his real reason...
Belkar is
becoming the mask. All because he took care of a little cat.
Earthling from King City
You want
weird? King City 's got your weird. The eponymous
city is a bit like Gotham , in that half run by organised crime and half run by the decadent and
wealthy. Only, unlike Gotham , it is filled with Russian sasquatches, mermaids, demons and soldiers
returning from the zombie-wars in Korea . Oh, and the entire thing seems to
be made mostly so Brandon Graham can draw awesome stuff. And make a lot of
silly puns.
The main
character is Joe, a catmaster. What is a catmaster, you ask? Well, it's- um-
someone who does magical stuff with cats. In the opening scene of the comic he
feeds his cat a key in order to make a copy. That's stupid pun number one. (No
wait, there's already about a million on the inside of the cover)
But later
we learn that catmastery extend to much more than that.
During the
whole comic there is some Chtullu-like entity rising, threatening do destroy
the universe, but surprisingly that isn't the point of the plot. So don't get
to excited for the final battle with the thing (although the final resolution
is great and in the spirit of this list.) The comic isn't really about the plot
at all. The real point is the relationships between the characters. Joe has to
help his best friend (who has fallen in love with a mermaid that is being held
by a bunch of gangster. Joe has to help, and deal with his feelings for, his
ex-girlfriend (who's current boyfriend has PTSD from the zombie wars and is
addicted to a drug that's turning him into chalk.) Joe is approached by a girl
he knows is bad news, but is just so sexy he has trouble saying no. Much more
important stuff than the rise of an Elder Demon.
And what
about the relationship between Joe and Earthling?
despite being able to function as a torch, periscope, flamethrower, power cable
or 3D-printer, and despite being able to write detailed rapports (with
excellent handwriting), Earthling can't talk. Most of the time he is content to
be carried around in a bucket until Joe needs him for some bizarre task. Like a
regular cat he is quite capable of amusing himself, lazily lying about,
watching tv, scratching the sofa or solving complex mathematical problems. Yet
at the same time he seems like a good friend of Joe, always ready with help or
a fistbump. (Pawbump?) The more I think about it, Earthling feels just like a
regular cat. Bit lazy, not doing much, and yet full of personality. And then
you can use him as a heart rate monitor.
3: NIELS /
HAIRBALL from Speedball
There's two
DC cats on the list compared to only one Marvel cat, but the Marvel one ends up
higher. That's should be enough to make me appear balanced, right?
In 1988
Steve Ditko created Speedball. (Not the drugs cocktail, the superhero). Ditko's
days as the superstar who drew the formative issues of Spider-Man were far
behind him at that point. His style of drawing and writing hadn't much evolved
since the 60's, which resulted in Speedball being a strange curio rather than a
big success. The comic starred a kid called Robbie Baldwin, who got into an
accident with some strange radiation (sounds familiar), which gives him the
power to bounce of stuff, while bursting out in strange lights. This is still a
great Ditko-visual.
But Robbie
isn't the only one with his powers! No, while he was being irradiated he walked
into a cat. And while anyone who has seen the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
would expect that to result in Robbie sprouting cat ears and a tail and
becoming Catman, Ditko goes another route, and gives the cat the same bouncing
powers! And while Speedball spend most of his ten-issue series stopping
uninspiring supervillains, Niels the cat kept eluding capture. Speedball wasn't
a success initially, but during the 90's he was brought into the New Warriors
book, which was fairly successful. And Niels, finally captured, went along for
the ride.
But the
real good stuff with Niels came later, as the result of a very strange turn of
events for Speedball. In 2005 Marvel kicked of their crossover Civil War with
the destruction of the city of Stamford by the supervillain Nitro, who was
fighting the New Warriors at the time. Speedball, who up till then had been a
happy-go-lucky, wisecracking kind of superhero, became traumatized and couldn't
access his powers. But then he discovered that by hurting himself he could
access a whole new type of energy-manipulation power, so he had a suit designed
full of spiked on the inside and became the superhero Penance. A strange
direction for one of Marvel's more innocent characters, and a very stupid
portrayal of mental health issues I my mind. Later however, better writers
managed to get a lot of good stuff out of the situation by portraying his PTSD
more realistically. Warren Ellis's story in which superhero psychiatrist Doc
Samson visits Robbie was great, and that moment when he got through to him and
for just a second Robbie manifested the Ditko-style light bubbles again
genuinely chilling.
But back to
Niels. He was absent from comics for a long while, but returned in a comedy
issue in which fellow funny character Squirrel Girl tries to get through to
Robbie that this Penance stuff is nonsense...
that was just a joke issue. Niels returned in real life when Robbie's mental
health had deteriorated even further thanks to super villain manipulations, and
he had lost his memory. His new psychiatrist thought it would be good to start
with animal therapy, and tracked down Robbie's bouncing buddy. Which had
immediate effect on his memory.
Since his
reintroduction Niels has joined giant teleporting space dog Lockjaw and his Pet
Avengers. I'd make a joke about the silliness of a giant teleporting space dog,
but after the Dex-Starr and Power Girl explanations I'm all out of "oh
comics, *eyeroll*"-style comments. As a member of the Pet Avengers Niels
has taken the name Hairball, which is of course perfect for the cat-sidekick of
a character named Speedball. We also learn that while Niels is generally a
super nice, cuddly cat around humans, he channels his inner Grumpy Cat when
dealing with other animals, especially dogs.
somehow Niels ended up with the longest write up. Blame Speedball's bizarre
character path that needs explanation.
2: 2 from
Morrison is notable for a few things. Banging on about the DC Multiverse is
one. Breaking the fourth wall, for example by having himself appear in the
comic he's writing is obviously the big one. And then there are the weird
stories. Like him being kidnapped by aliens in Kathmandu . Or how he suffered a collapsed
lung after having the character King Mob nearly die in Invisibles, making him
believe Invisibles was actually a magic spell he was casting, so he had King
Mob spend the next volume having loads and loads of sex. The man is...
colorful. Oh, and he's the baldy guy in that My Chemical Romance video.
But what I
really associate with Grant Morrison, is making people cry about animals. There
is the scene at the end of animal man with his imaginary fox friend. There is
the story where Professor X is given super-Alzheimer's by a super villain and
keeps talking about his childhood dog. There is that bit in The Filth where a
bad guy impersonates the hero and does the worst, most spiteful thing any
character has ever done in any work of fiction: he brings the heroes cat to the
vet to be put down! And then there is We3
We3 might
just be my favorite thing Morrison has ever written. I loved his Animal Man,
Flex Mentallo, New X-Men, All-Star Superman... but no, We3 is the best thing
he's ever written. And it is the best thing Frank Quietly, his frequent
collaborator, has ever drawn. It's heartrending, heartwarming, full of
character, action packed, and has some of the greatest experimental use of the
comic book page you've ever seen.
gore ahead)
The story
is about three animals, a dog, a cat and a rabbit, which have been augmented
with cybernetics to become the weapons of the future. Like drones, but capable
of independent reasoning to be even more effective. When a government official
declares he wants the animals killed, a scientist who worked on them gets a
pang of conscience and releases them. And so starts a race in which the army
sends everything they've got against these cyborg-animals, which only have a
dim recollection of the place they should be going to. Home.
Sounds like
a fun romp, right? Guess again. We3 is bloody and gory. The idea of a cat with
a machine gun fighting soldiers might sound funny or cool at first. But later
on in the story, when their robo-shell is damaged and you see the animals with
the patchy remnants of their fur exposed, and steel and wire poking out from
their flesh... it becomes painfully clear what Grant Morrison's stance on
animal testing is.
Of the
three animals, the cat is (obviously) the most angry and short tempered. The
dog is most concerned about helping people and getting home. The rabbit is... a
bit dumb, mostly just hopping along with the others. The cat just wants the
three to look out for themselves, and questions the existence of this
Yet its
loyal it its friends, and at the very end, when they've finally laid waste to
the last of the troops the army has send after them (in a very satisfying
manner, I might add)...
Goddamn you
Grant Morrison.
1: Lying
Cat from Saga
Of those on
this list, Earthling may be the cat with the most uses. But there is one cat
that might be even more useful. Lying Cat is the partner of the bounty hunter
The Will, and it can always tell when someone is lying. How is this useful? Well,
it can help you in negotiations,
it can help you see through illusions,
and it can
make you realise that you are lying to yourself,
even if you
don't know it yourself.
That last
scene was what made me go from "This Saga thing looks okay" to
"I need to own this right now!".
What more
is there to say really? I've already written about my love for Saga quite
extensively, and Lying Cat is another example about what I like about the
comic. A bizarre fatasci-fi idea, very funny at one time but a source of
genuine emotion the next.
Lying Cat
is not top of the list because he was featured in the best comic however. (I
love Saga, but Order of the Stick is as good at times, and We3 might even
surpass it.) No, Lying Cat is also a great example of a cat character. Funny
and endearing, grumpy but cute, and capable of displaying a lot of character
despite its limited vocabulary.
So that was
the list to show of how diverse my comic collection is- no, wait, sorry, the
list of best comic book cats! I hope you liked it, and if you know any other
great comics featuring cats, feel free to recommend them in the comments!
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